Have Questions ?

We have answered some of the frequently asked questions below

About Klimates

Klimates is an intuitive and user-friendly, Carbon Intelligence Platform that empowers businesses and sustainability teams to visualize and understand their emissions, start decarbonizing and take tangible climate actions. Our platform doesn’t just track emissions—it provides predictive insights, actionable data, and in-depth analytics. This allows businesses to take control and actively reduce their carbon footprint.

Carbon Intelligence is the process of using data and tools to measure and manage your company's carbon emissions. It helps you understand where your emissions are coming from, identify areas for improvement, and take action to reduce your carbon footprint. With Carbon Intelligence, you can make smarter decisions that benefit both your business and the environment. At Klimates, we provide the insights and tools you need to turn your reduction goals into reality.

Yes, totally ! All our solutions are suitable for and available for all companies of all shapes and sizes . We have built our platform with the mission to close the gap between climate intent and action, and want to empower businesses and brands of all sizes to take climate action. We believe business growth and planet growth can go hand-in hand and businesses should not have to choose between the two.

You can be at any stage of your climate action journey - starting out or already taking action, come join the Klimates movement and start making a difference today.

Klimates makes it easy for businesses to cut down on their carbon emissions. We do the heavy lifting by tracking where your emissions are coming from, whether it’s your operations or your suppliers. Our platform shows you where you can make the biggest impact, helps you explore different ways to reduce emissions, and keeps you on track with your reduction goals. Plus, we make sure you stay ahead of regulations and engage your stakeholders. Klimates gives you the tools and insights to make climate first decisions every day.

We are dedicated to simplifying climate action for you and your business. Our core belief is that the climate crisis can be averted with timely and effective climate action taken by businesses of all sizes and types. We have created a climate action framework called

Klimate MoveTM

that can be adopted by businesses and empowers them to accelerate their climate action journey, at whatever stage they are.

  • M

    easure &


    anage:Our Climate Intelligence Platform allows businesses to calculate their footprint, identify hot-spots, model different scenarios, evaluate ROI of mitigation options and effectively start decarbonizing.

  • O

    ffset : Businesses can fund climate action as part of their carbon neutrality or Net Zero goals. We allow businesses to set their own climate pledges and fund climate action according to their own goal or budget.

  • V

    isualize : Our dashboards allow businesses to visualize their impact and progress transparently and at all times

  • E

    ngage : Our unique engagement tools allow businesses to engage their stakeholders (like employees, customers, investors etc).

Whether you are thinking about climate action, already making strategies or looking to accelerate your impact, our tools can help you and your business. And even if you do not have a dedicated budget or goal, connect with our team and we will show you how taking climate action is good for your business growth and how to get started. Book a 30 minute intro call with us here

About Carbon Accounting

The complexity of carbon accounting often lies in the diversity of data sources and the need for precise calculations. Our platform addresses these challenges by consolidating data inputs, applying standardized emission factors, and offering real-time analytics, allowing you to focus on strategic decision-making rather than the intricacies of data processing.

Gather the necessary data to input into the Klimates platform. This includes data on fuel consumption, energy usage, business travel, waste generation, and any other relevant activities. Our calculation engine automatically calculates your emissions once the data is entered, providing you with accurate and reliable results.

Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) is the most widely used international standard for corporate carbon foot-printing, providing a comprehensive framework for measuring and managing greenhouse gas emissions. Klimates platform is aligned with the GHG protocol and the ISO 14064 standards.

Klimates calculates your company’s emissions by capturing a comprehensive snapshot of both your direct and indirect emissions, including Scope 1, 2, and 3. We convert relevant data from various parts of your operations—such as energy use, transportation, and supply chain activities into measurable greenhouse gas emissions. Our AI powered platform structures and classifies vast quantities of data, removing generalizations from your calculations. Every line item is carefully evaluated by our calculation engine which automatically selects the most accurate emission factor, eliminating subjectivity and reducing uncertainty.

About Offsets

CO2e is Carbon Dioxide Equivalent and is the standard metric to measure polluting emissions that cause global warming or global boiling (as it’s now being called).

CO2e — or carbon dioxide equivalent — describes the global warming potential of all greenhouse gases. In simpler words, the impact of different greenhouse gases that cause warming is equated in terms of the amount of CO2 that would result in the same amount of warming. So, CO2e gathers all greenhouse gases into one place to keep it simple for calculations. As human activities don’t only generate carbon dioxide, CO2e is a more accurate way to measure our emissions and also offset them.

Each KLIC represents 1 Kg of CO2e avoided or removed (verified)

Carbon offset is a tool through which anyone can take climate action. It is an investment into a climate solution that either prevents, reduces or removes greenhouse emissions from the atmosphere.

Offsetting means neutralizing your unavoidable emissions by funding a project that reduces, avoids or removes the same amount of CO2e from the atmosphere.

Klimates provides you an easy way to directly fund high impact solutions without having to try to find these projects yourself. This is important because voluntary carbon markets and climate solutions are out of reach for most businesses and individuals.

Only purchasing carbon offsets which meet rigorous standards is crucial to our aim of funding the most effective climate solutions. They provide security that the projects we fund are of the highest quality. This is very important as the voluntary carbon market is not regulated and all kinds of projects claim to be issuing offset credits. But not all projects are created equally. A verified offset comes with the following criteria :

  • Audited : The project is audited by a reputed third party to validate that its impact claims are real.

  • Permanent : The project has long term impacts that cannot be easily reversed.

  • Additional : The project would not exist in a ‘business as usual’ scenario and requires the offset funding for its existence.

  • Unique Ownership : The offsets are retired on authentic public registries and one offset cannot be doubly counted or sold.

The two standards that we use most often are the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and the Gold Standard.

World Bank has estimated an annual finance gap of ₹54 trillion in India. We believe that together we are stronger than ever, and can become ‘atmanirbhar’ in our fight against climate change. At Klimates we want to unleash the unstoppable power of collective action and turn climate action into a mass movement.

Moreover, our country is ranked as 5th most vulnerable country to climate change. Our social cost (cost to our economy and GDP) per tonne of carbon emissions is one of the highest in the world. The solutions to mitigate emissions and to build resilience for communities most vulnerable to climate risks are all there - we just need to empower them. At Klimates, we are doing just that.

Come join the movement !

In the ideal world, every individual or business or government will consider the cost of inaction while making decisions that affect our climate and environment. Over the last 200 years, our civilization has not accounted for the cost of emissions and natural destruction that we’ve caused, and that’s the primary reason for the climate crisis that we are all witnessing today. Sooner or later, we all have to bear the cost of inaction in form of loss due to natural calamities, rising food prices etc.

If your company has net zero goals or dedicated climate budgets then that’s awesome. But even if you are just starting out on your Climate Action journey, we have got your back. We have built Klimates so that climate action starts making business sense, so even if you do not have a dedicated climate budget, our digital tools help you use existing budgets to not just make a difference to the planet but to your own business growth as well.

Are you ready to make a difference ? Join the Klimates movement.Let’s Connect

About Climate Action

Climate Change is the biggest crisis that our world is facing, and it is not a future problem. Climate change is happening all around us and it is happening now. Caring about the climate is not only about saving polar bears or tropical forests (even though they are super awesome and we need to think about them), it is about our own future on Planet Earth. Climate Change is not an abstract concept, it impacts our daily lives. From availability of clean water, to food security, to spread of diseases, the changing climate has an effect on everything we need to survive and thrive.

If we don’t start taking action now, we (and our future generations) will be stuck with major messed up consequences - like extreme heatwaves ( 2023 was the hottest year on record since 1880 ), unexpected and heavy rains ( more than 10 countries saw extreme flooding in just a span of 12 days in Sept 2023), rising sea levels ( that means many coastal cities can go partially or completely underwater).

After all it’s our planet, and we all share it with not just each other but with our future generations as well. It is our collective problem, and collectively we can make a difference.

We believe that companies now need to become climate-first. Just like digitalization was the big shift 20 years ago, decarbonization is the next one. It’s time for companies to move beyond just ESG reporting and fully embrace this change. Decarbonization helps your business in several key ways. It reduces your energy and resource costs, making your operations more efficient and cost-effective. By lowering your carbon footprint, you also enhance your brand's reputation, attracting customers and investors who prioritize sustainability. Decarbonization prepares your business for future regulations, ensuring compliance and avoiding potential fines. Additionally, it can drive innovation, leading to new products, services, and market opportunities. Overall, decarbonization strengthens your business's resilience, competitiveness, and long-term success.

About Engagement Tools

Become a force of positive climate impact and connect meaningfully with your stakeholders.

Set your impact budget and distribute impact as gifts or rewards to your stakeholders - be it customers, potential clients or employees. With Klimate Connect you can embed climate action into any KPI that you measure and bring your stakeholders on board your climate action journey.

Research shows that consumers want to be engaged by brands and businesses on climate action and Klimate Connect empowers you to do just that !

Display your climate impact to your customers/clients and other stakeholders using the Klimate Action Label. Companies, organizations, events, products or services can use the label to show that they are taking responsibility and action for their climate impact and are financially supporting climate projects/solutions.

Via the tracking codes linked to the labels, it is possible to see at any time the impact created, reduction plans and projects supported. This provides maximum transparency in communication and boosts trust in the company’s commitment to climate action.

Give your customers another great reason to buy from you !

Klimate Action Widget empowers you to embed and display your commitment towards climate action at all your consumer touch points. Foster deep and meaningful bonds with your current and potential consumers to develop trust and multitudes of potential click conversions.

Our widget gives you a competitive advantage and an interactive way to communicate your values to your customers during their journey on your website/e-store. Differentiate yourself from your competitors and boost your sales all while building a lasting impact on the planet.

Our platform lets businesses convert any activity into CO2e values, delivering actionable carbon data right where it’s needed. But we don’t stop there—we also help companies engage their stakeholders by embedding carbon insights into their user experiences. This boosts awareness of carbon footprints and makes it easier to contribute to climate efforts. With our APIs businesses can start small, meaningfully engage, and scale up their sustainability efforts as they grow.

About your Account

We are so excited to onboard you the exciting journey of climate action. Book an intro call here

We love your eagerness and would love to help you get started. If you are a brand or business and want to know more about our solutions, you can write to us at hello@klimates.earth with your query and we will get in touch. Alternatively, you can book a 30 minute intro call with us here

If you are an individual you can sign up and start making an impact or subscribe to climate action to automate impact. Head to our sign up page here

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